Sunday, May 14, 2023

Childcare Leave System in Japan (育児休暇) By Shahzad Salam

Paternity leave is an important aspect of modern parenting, allowing fathers to spend more time with their newborn children and supporting their partners during this crucial period. In Japan, the paternity leave system has undergone significant changes in recent years and both the government and companies now encourage their male employees to take paternity leave. However, fathers are still reluctant to take it. I recently took paternity leave after the birth of my second child. Here I will summarize the main features of the paternity leave system and how to apply.

産後パパ育休 or Papa Childcare Leave at Childbirth

Under the updated Childcare & Caregiver Leave Law (updated October 2022), in addition to long period childcare leave, fathers may also take up to 4 weeks leave (出生時育児休業 or 産後パパ育休) in one or two installments within the 8 weeks after the childbirth. The new system makes it easier for fathers to take time off work and care for the newborn and the mother while being able to utilize long term childcare leave at a later date.

  • The leave must be requested 2 weeks before the expected delivery date by contacting directly to the HR department of the company/organization. The scheduled dates can be changed later if the actual date of birth is different from the expected.
  • Document to submit at time of application includes a page certifying the expected delivery date from 母子手帳 (mother & child handbook).

 育児休業 or Childcare Leave

Under the updated system, it is now possible for both men and women to take childcare leave in two installments. Long-term parental leave must be applied 1 month prior to the scheduled start date of the leave. In principle, leave can be taken until the child’s first birthday. However, leave is extendable in case the child is not accepted in a daycare center even after the age of one.

Childcare Leave Benefits  

During the four weeks of 産後パパ育休 and up to six months of 育児休業, male employees are entitled to benefits worth 67% of their salary, and with social and other contributions waived, they can effectively receive around 80% of their salary. For paternity leave lasting longer than six months, the benefits are reduced to 50% of the salary. Note: The maximum amount of childcare leave benefits in the first six months is 305,721 yen (as of March 2021). Leave benefits are applied by submitting the previous salary record, page confirming birth from 母子手帳 and bank passbook front page (required documents may vary depending on individual circumstances).

Example Plan

Since we, both husband & wife, are working, the visual representation of our parental leave plan is presented below as an example. I myself took 4 weeks 産後パパ育休 in one installment and plan to take 3 month 育児休業 later this year.


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